Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Thank you all so much for taking time out of your Memorial Day to spend honoring the Men and Women who gave their lives for us to live in this amazing country. The energy was outstanding and it was because of each and every one of you.

Now all these means it we will have to some how find a way to top that for next year!

Quick announcement:

Next Monday is the start of our Summer Cycle. Which means that last week and this week have been transitional weeks to deload and make sure everyone is ready to start next Monday off strong.

The Summer Cycle is going to be 12 weeks long. Knowing this should help you in setting goals for anyone with any specific goals in mind. The timeline is set. All you need now is a plan of action!

Who do you want to be 12 weeks from now?

Now for todays workout:


2 sets:

30 Second Handstand hold

30 Sec L sit

30 Sec wall sit

30 Sec max backwards single unders


20 Minute AMRAP:

20 Box jumps (24/20)

20 Step ups (hands on head)

40 Sit ups

40 Med ball twist (20/14)