The holiday schedule is as follows: NEW CHANGE TO THE SCHEDULE

Monday, December 31st: Change of schedule…6,7,8,9:30am & 4,5pm classes

Tuesday, January 1st: CLOSED


Start 2019 with a BANG.

December 30th at 10:00am will be hosting a goal setting workshop. (over by 12:30)

We will be going over tips, tricks and talk about our own personal experiences in achieving our goals and more importantly what we do when we fall short.

This year, we will all going to help each other stay accountable and committed to our individual goals.

If you don’t necessarily have a “goal” in mind that is no problem at all. There is always something we are striving for whether in work, family, personal thoughts  and actions.

Please do your best to make this workshop!

We want everyone at 516 to get as much value as possible and to help in any way we can. Let’s take what we’ve learned in 2018 and apply it to 2019.

Today is day 4 week 6 of our 6 week wall ball challenge

50 Unbroken wall balls


For time:

100 Box jumping (24/20)

80 Air squats

60 Push ups

40 Pull ups

20 Burpees


20 Minute AMRAP:

15/10 Cal bike

5 OHS (155/105)

3 Box jumps (34/26)