Christmas is right around the corner and there’s still time for those stocking stuffers while also spreading the gift of health and wellness to your loved ones.
We are offering $225 Gift vouchers...for $25!
These gift vouchers are for friends and family and are limited to 3 per person.
They can use them towards their Prep Course or put towards their membership, after Prep Course.
Ask a coach and we will have your gift vouchers waiting for you at the front desk.
Orders are going in this Wednesday, so if you haven’t placed your orders yet, please do before Wednesday.
One more wonderful announcement:
Our very own Sabrina Balducci and is a second year student in the Doctor of Physical Therapy program at Sacred Heart University.
This year she has been granted the honor and privilege to embark on a volunteer service trip to Guatemala where she will have the opportunity to help people in need of better healthcare.
Sabrina and her classmates will be providing and donating supplies and assistive devices, educating patients on how to take care of themselves, building wheelchair tailored to each patient who needs one, and helping out around the community as much as we can to better the lives of those around us! Any donation to this cause will be greatly appreciated as it will help me travel to provide my services to the people in Guatemala!
Now for this weeks workouts!
Max squat cleans in 6 minutes: (165/115)
*at the start of each minute compete 3 front squats
Rest 4 minutes
6 Minute AMRAP:
20 Pull ups
20 Burpees
3 Rounds for time:
30 Calories
30 KB swings
30 S2OH (95/65) *1 sec pause
E3MOM x 7
:20 max cals on echo bike
21 Minute AMRAP:
500m row
40 Walking lunges
20 Toes to bar
12 Minute EMOM:
Odd: 12/9 Calories
Even: 5 TNG Power cleans
*When the clock hits 13:00, compete
3 Rounds for time:
20 Box jumps
20 Push ups