Today’s class schedule

Monday: 6-7-8pm classes are canceled

Tuesday, January 1st: CLOSED

We hope everyone had an amazing experience at yesterday’s goal setting workshop. We are very much looking forward to 2019 and cant wait to see everyone at 516 achieve all your goals and truly live your best life.

We will be hosting an accountability workshop as a follow up to goal setting workshop to help as much as possible in making sure we all continue to hold each other accountable. this is also going to be an opportunity for anyone who missed out on yesterdays workshop.

Lets end 2018 with a bang and leave it all on the floor today!


20 Minute AMRAP

20 Thrusters (95/65)

20/15 Push ups

40 Sit ups


4 Rounds for times:

20/15 Cal row

20/14 Cal bike

10 Clean and jerks (135/95)

*3 minute recovery btw rounds