Monday, 1/24/22


A) 2 sets: (not for time)

20 Heavy Wall Balls

15 Ring dips

10 Toes to bar


Climb the ladder in 5 minutes

1 Squat clean (115/75)

1 Burpee

2 Squat cleans

2 Burpee

and so on...

rest 3 minutes then,

2 Rounds for time:

20/15 Cal bike

20 Box jump overs



EMOM x 8 min 10 Unbroken strict pull ups (use band)

Right into,

EMOM x 8 min 15/10 push ups

Right into,

EMOM x 8 min 10 curls

Right into,

EMOM x 8 min 10 Arnold presses

Right into,

EMOM x 8 min 5 Hang power snatches


5 Rounds for total time:

21 Wall balls

15 G2OH (95/65)

9 Burpees over bar

1 Minute rest btw each round


7 Minute AMRAP:

10 Push ups

10 Arnold presses

20 Double unders

rest 3 minutes then,

7 Minute AMRAP:

10 Strict chin ups

10 Drag curls

10 Calories any machine



Build to a 5RM Back squat


2 Rounds for time:

60 Sit ups

40/30 Calories any machine

20 Thrusters