Monday, 10/24/22

Hey guys! Reminger that Barbells for boobs is this coming sunday.

This is not a strictly CrossFit event. Our mission is to have as many of your friends and loved ones as we can, feeding our fundraising abilities as well as coming together for a cause, while getting a little sweaty in the process!

Time: 9am, Sunday Oct 30

Here is the link to CrossFit 516’s team page.

Team CF516 BB4Bs

Get ready to wear some pink!

If you haven’t already, we have our limited edition PINK CF516 shirts for the event that can be found in the lobby.

As any coach to help grab your size.

Now for this weeks workouts…Enjoy!!

MONDAY: Build (heavier than last week)


6 sets: (30 seconds rest btw sets)

8 Barbell RDLs (3 sec negative)


6 sets: (30 seconds rest btw sets)

8 DB Bench press (3 sec negative)


6 sets: (30 seconds rest btw sets)

8 Lateral raises (3 sec negative)


5 sets: (30 seconds rest btw sets)

8 Bulgarian lunges (3 sec negative)

TUESDAY: Build (heavier than last week


6 sets: (30 seconds rest btw sets)

8 Back squats (3 sec negative)


6 sets: (30 seconds rest btw sets)

8 Power cleans @ 50-60% of 1RM


5 sets: (30 seconds rest btw sets)

8 Barbell bent over rows (3 sec negative)


1 set:

100 Banded curls


4 sets: (30 seconds rest btw sets)

8 Weighted step ups (3 sec negative)

WEDNESDAY: Conditioning

Use any machine:
4 rounds of:
45 sec on, 15 sec slow

4 rounds of:
30 sec on, 30 sec slow
4 rounds of:
20 sec on, 40 sec slow


3 Rounds for time:

20 Push ups

20 Pull ups

20 KB swing


5 Minute AMRAP:

15 Sit ups

5 Burpee box jump

rest 2 minutes

5 Minute AMRAP:

15 Wall balls

5 Hang power cleans (165/115)

rest 2 minutes

5 Minute AMRAP:

15 Calories

5 Front squats (w/ HPC weight)



6 sets: (30 seconds rest btw sets)

8 Incline DB Bench press (3 sec negative)


6 sets: (30 seconds rest btw sets)

8 Arnold press (3 sec negative)


6 Rounds for time:

200m run

10 S2OH (115/75) *1 sec pause