Monday, 11/7/22

A reminder,

please make sure you are inside the gym, ready to go at the start of each class. Most people never have an actual reason for being late, usually it’s simply a lack of prioritizing your time.

You owe it to yourself to schedule your time and make the most out of being here!

So let’s crush this week!!!

MONDAY: Tighten & Tone


6 sets: (30 seconds rest btw sets)

8 Stiff leg dead lifts (3 sec negative)


6 sets: (30 seconds rest btw sets)

16 Weighted in place reverse lunges (DB in each hand)


For quality:

100 Tricep extensions

*Every time you stop or break, complete 5 Push ups (3 sec negative)

TUESDAY: Lean Cuisine



Sit up

Med ball twist


5 sets: (30 seconds rest btw sets)

8 Hang muscle cleans


5 sets: (30 seconds rest btw sets)

8 Barbell curl (3 sec negative)


5 sets: (30 seconds rest btw sets)

8 Supinated BB rows (3 sec negative)

WEDNESDAY: Butts & Guts

Use any machine:

2 Rounds:

1:30 on, :30 slow

2 Rounds:

:60 on, :30 slow

5 Rounds:

:20 on, :20 slow


2 Rounds for time:

50 Box jumps

40 Wall balls

30 Pull ups

THURSDAY: The Magic Sauce

For time:

2000/1850m row

15 Squat cleans (165/115)

30 Burpees over bar

FRIDAY: Freaky Friday


6 sets: (30 seconds rest btw sets)

8 Bent over reverse flys (3 sec negative)


6 sets: (30 seconds rest btw sets)

8 Arnold press (3 sec negative)


2 minutes on, 1 minute off:
12 Toes to bar
10/7 Calories
Max S2OH in remaining time (95/65) *1 sec pause
Workout ends when you complete 75 S2OH