CONGRATULATIONS Kevin and RACHEL for earning the title of CF516 Committed Club Champions!

A big shout to everyone this month, there was increase is overall committed club and so many people were we only a few days off, which is wonderful news.

We can’t wait for Murph this month and we want everyone to be as prepared as possible.

Consistency is KEY, keep it up and make this week count!


2 Rounds:

Single arm B.O.R


Heaviest to lightest

For time:

400m run

50 Push ups

400m run

35 Push ups

400m run

20 Push ups

  • Rest 2 minutes then

50 Wall balls for time:


 3 Rounds:

:30 Handstand hold

20 V ups

20/15 Calories (different machine each round)

For time:


Deadlift (185/135)

Toes to bar

  • Rest 3 minutes then,

50 Calories on any machine for time:


3 Rounds:

10 DB Arnold presses

10 BB strict presses (3 sec down)

10 Push presses

20 Minute AMRAP:

6 Burpees

10 Front squats (95/65)

14 Sit ups

18 Double unders



3x6 @ 70-75%

2x10 @ 65%

*Pronated grip only

3 Rounds for time: 25 min cap

5 Rounds of Cindy

10 Clean and jerks (135/95)

(Cindy = 5 pull ups, 10 push ups, 15 air squats