Monday, 9/19/22 (Please read post)

We have noticed over the last couple of weeks being late to class has gotten a little out of hand. We understand life can be busy and things happen, having said that this disrupts classes and is unfair to the coaches trying to make sure everyone gets a full hour of work for those coming on time.

We would greatly appreciate if you can be ON THE CLASS FLOOR before class starts. We do not want to make a cut off point for classes, we would much rather create a culture where we the coaches are respectful of you time while you are respectful of not just the coaches but of your fellow members who were on time and are eager to take part in 60 minutes of work.

Let’s start this week right and keep each other accountable and have an incredible week of fitness!!


24 minute EMOM
1) 10 Strict pull ups
2) 4 Squat cleans (pick your weight)
3) 10/5 Calories

3 sets:
15 Floor presses
15 Arnold presses


5 Rounds for time:
12/8 Calories
12 Thrusters (95/65) *Pause
24 Push ups


Conditioning: same as last week
4 Rounds for times: 2 min rest btw rounds
400m run
10 Box jump overs (24/20)
15 S2OH (115/75)
20 TTB


For quality:
60 Single arm DB presses
(30 each arm, break up any way you'd like)

2 Rounds: 90 sec rest btw rounds
20 Weighted walking lunges
10 Goblet squats w/ 2 sec pause at bottom
10 sec half squat hold w/ weight


10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 of
Up right rows
Bent over rows


For time:
Power clean (115/75)
rest 7 minutes and repeat.