12 Minutes on any machine EZ pace
Establish 1RM back squat
*if you found a 1RM last week, build to 85%
Pick any option each over the next 3 days
Option 1:
EMOM x 8 min
10 pec deck
Right into,
EMOM x 8 min
10 Cable tricep extensions
Right into,
EMOM x 8 min
10 BB Up right rows
Right into,
EMOM x 8 min
10 Curls
Right into,
EMOM x 8 min
5 Thrusters (135/95)
Option 2:
EMOM x 8 min
10 Unbroken strict pull ups (use band)
Right into,
EMOM x 8 min
15/10 push ups
Right into,
EMOM x 8 min
10 Barbell bent over rows
Right into,
EMOM x 8 min
10 Arnold presses
Right into,
EMOM x 8 min
5 Unbroken Clean & jerks
Option 3:
EMOM x 8 min
3 Heavy front squats (from floor)
Right into,
EMOM x 8 min
30 seconds of Nordic curls
Right into,
EMOM x 8 min
There and back sled push
Right into,
EMOM x 8 min
5 ISO shoulder press
Right into,
EMOM x 8 min
10 In place reverse lunges (w/ DBs)
10 Minutes on any machine EZ pace
Rest 5 minutes
10 Minutes on different machine EZ pace
Rest 5 minutes
15 Seconds ALL OUT
Rest 2:15
15 Seconds ALL OUT
EMOM X 20 minutes
Min 1: 15 KB swings
Min 2: 10 S2OH (135/95) *pause