Tuesday, JULY 2, 2019

This weeks challenge is to complete a 1 Mile run BEFORE class, breathing only through your nose. This is not easy the first time you try it. You will have to breathe out of your mouth at points. The goal is to see how much you can improve your nasal breathing abilities in one weeks time.


3 Sets: (90 second rest b/w):

10 Single Arm Strict Press (R/L) *Challenging but Unbroken*

:30 Plank Hold on Hands


9 minute AMRAP:

400m run

28 toe to bar

21 cal row

14 burpee box jump (24"/20")

7 muscle ups or 14 strict C2B

**rest 2 minutes**

For time: (10 minute cap)

7 Muscle ups or 14 strict C2B

14 burpee box jump

21 cal row

28 toe to bar

400m run

This weeks floater WOD:


4 sets: (rest 1:30 btw sets)

DB bench press x 8-10 reps

DB flyes x 8-10 reps


Max push ups in 2 minutes