Monday, JULY 15, 2019

Session II Youth Strength & Conditioning Camp Starts Today!

The Camp is open to Elementary, Middle School & High School kids.

Our Youth Strength & Conditioning Camp is designed to increase your child's overall strength, build their aerobic ability, agility, speed and power, while minimizing risk of injury.

Keeping your kids active throughout the summer will keep them motivated, as well as give them a head start on their Fall sports.

The details are as follows:

4 days per week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday, 10:30 AM-12:00 PM

Session 2: July 15 to July 25

Session 3: July 29 to August 8

Cost per 2 week session: $250 ($200 each for siblings)

To enroll, please email us at:

Now, the WOD:


2 sets:

6 barbell front rack step ups *slow and controlled*

100ft suitcase carry HEAVY


Back squat:

15 reps

rest 2 minutes

12 reps

rest 2 minutes

10 reps

*Each set as heavy as possible


For time: 18 minute time cap

30 Thrusters (95/65) *one sec pause at the top of each rep

20 Hang squat snatches (same bar)

10 Burpees over bar

1 Mile run