BUILDING THE TRIBE: 2019 rewards program
Here’s how it works: Bring in a friend who is new to CrossFit 516 for a free trial class.

For each friend who enrolls by February 28th, 2019, you will receive a

Free Month of Membership!

Now, before you start thinking about friends who need to lose a couple pounds, I want you to remember our mission at 516: Fitness is a side effect of what we do here, it is not the overall AIM. Think about the people in your life who would benefit from this community, the lessons you have learned from this place. Think about how someone's life can change for the better by joining us in our mission.

Think about the people who you want in your TRIBE. This place is more than fitness, which is why we describe it as the mere Proxy to happiness and fulfillment.

This is our way of saying “Thank You!”  

CrossFit 516 wouldn’t be what it is without your love and support. We really do have something special and we are so fortunate to have you all in our lives.

Pick up Free Trial Class & $200 discount cards for our 516 Prep Course at the Front Desk today!     

Workout of the day: This is day 1 of our strength cycle…hope you’re ready!


Find a 1RM dead lift *Pronated grip only

Once you have maxed out with the pronated grip you will have ONE attempt…only one to go for one rep with a mixed grip.


3 sets: 1 min rest btw

12 Barbell bent over rows

10 Curls


2 Rounds for time:

35 Hip extensions

20 UNBROKEN wide grip strict pull ups *use band to go unbroken



For time:

50 GHD sit ups

right into,

10 In place front rack lunges (115/75)

10 Bar muscle ups

10 In place front rack lunges (115/75)

8 Muscle ups

10 In place front rack lunges (115/75)

6 Rope climbs

100 Double unders