WOD FOR MAY 15, 2019


Build to a 5RM back squat (15 minutes)


2 Minutes on 2 minutes off until you have completed the following:


Dead lift


right into,



Sumo deadlift high pull


For time:

100 Wall balls (30/20)

*Each time you break STOP and rest 1 minute

rest 5 minutes then,

10 Minute AMRAP:

5 Overhead squats (135/95)

10/7 Cal row

WOD FOR MAY 13, 2019


For time:

3000m row

60/45 Cal assault bike

60 Burpee box jumps (24/20)

*Today you will be flipping a coin. Heads- you will start with the row and work your way down. Tails- you will start burpee box jump and working your way up.


For time:


Clean and jerk (135/95)


Toes to bar

Rest 3 minutes then,

For time:

21 Cal ski erg

15 Bar muscle ups

9 Hang squat cleans (155/105)

WOD FOR MAY 10, 2019


6 Minute EMOM

3 Hang squat snatches


7 Minute AMRAP:

12 hang squat snatches (115/75)

4 burpees

1 Muscle up OR C2B pull up

4 burpees

2 MU

4 burpees 

3 mu


Rest 4 mins

7 Minute AMRAP:

12 hang squat snatches (115/75)

100m run

2 Handstand push ups

100m run





3 Sets:


10 Cal bike

3 Dead lift (315/225)

WOD FOR MAY 9, 2019


Todays workout will take a team, as well as courage.

In teams of 2 complete 14 rounds of the following: (7 rounds each)

3 Minutes max calorie row

*While your partner is working you are fully resting

*its always a sad day watching someone with less talent beat someone more capable, just because the other lacks heart…don’t let your partner down. Work hard each time you’re on the rower.

*You will be going off of the gym clock but do not touch the monitor for the entire workout.

*Score is total calories


30 Minutes of mobility

WOD FOR MAY 8, 2019


Every 5 minutes for 30 minutes (6 sets)

20 Wall balls (20/14)

Run to the speed bump and back (200m)

5 TNG squat cleans (Pick a weight you can go unbroken with)

*if you break up or stop moving during the wall balls, STOP and complete 3 burpees

*if you do not complete the 5 TNG squat cleans in one set you must do all 5 TNG again. This can not be broken up.


4 Rounds for total time: (rest 1 minute btw each round)

20/15 Cal bike

20/15 Cal row

15 Power snatches (95/65)

WOD FOR MAY 7, 2019


2 sets:

25ft HS walk or 3 Wall walks

30 Sec L sit

Banded walk


9 Rounds for time:

6 S2OH (135/95)

6 Box jumps (24/20)

2 minute rest then,

8 Rounds for time:

8 Toes to bar

8 Burpees

2 minute rest then,

7 Rounds for time:

10 KB swings (55/35)

10 Pull ups


5 Rounds for time:

8 Front squats (185/125)

4 Burpee muscle ups

WOD FOR MAY 3, 2019

Have you planned out your week? Do you know how many days you’re going to make it to the gym, have you meal prepped? Have you scheduled and planned out your week for success?

Most people fall short of reaching their goals, not due to effort, drive, skill or capabilities. No. It’s because they didn’t map out their approach. In order to lose the weight you came here to lose, get stronger, faster or just get in shape for the summer, you NEED A PLAN! You will come close, as most do, but you will inevitably fall short without a plan of execution.

So whats your plan? What are you going to do this week to get you just 1% closer to your goals?


Squat clean: Barbell cycling

set 1) 3 reps

set 2) 4 reps

set 3) 5 reps

set 4) 6 reps

*This is about developing the skill of moving a barbell, not about maxing out.

*Increase weight as the reps go up


20 Minute AMRAP:

1 Mile run

then, in the remaining time complete:


6 Burpee pull ups

9 Clean and jerks (115/75)

12 Wall balls (20/14)

WOD FOR MAY 2, 2019

Have you planned out your week? Do you know how many days you’re going to make it to the gym, have you meal prepped? Have you scheduled and planned out your week for success?

Most people fall short of reaching their goals, not due to effort, drive, skill or capabilities. No. It’s because they didn’t map out their approach. In order to lose the weight you came here to lose, get stronger, faster or just get in shape for the summer, you NEED A PLAN! You will come close, as most do, but you will inevitably fall short without a plan of execution.

So whats your plan? What are you going to do this week to get you just 1% closer to your goals?


3 sets: (12 minute cap)

3-5 Muscle ups

20 GHD sit us

20 Single leg KB deadlifts (10 ea. leg)


3 Minute AMRAP:

10 Box jumps (24/20)

10 KB swings (55/35)

10 Push ups

rest 3 minutes

3 Minute max calorie row

rest 3 minutes, then, repeat from the top

WOD FOR May 1, 2019

Have you planned out your week? Do you know how many days you’re going to make it to the gym, have you meal prepped? Have you scheduled and planned out your week for success?

Most people fall short of reaching their goals, not due to effort, drive, skill or capabilities. No. It’s because they didn’t map out their approach. In order to lose the weight you came here to lose, get stronger, faster or just get in shape for the summer, you NEED A PLAN! You will come close, as most do, but you will inevitably fall short without a plan of execution.

So whats your plan? What are you going to do this week to get you just 1% closer to your goals?


Wide stance back squat:

3x10 @31X1 TEMPO

*feet in sumo stance squatting to a med ball to ABOVE PARALLEL


Every 6 minutes for 24 minutes (4 sets)

20/15 Cal bike

15 Handstand push ups

50 Double unders

*The quicker you move the more rest you get

WOD FOR APRIL 30, 2019

Have you planned out your week? Do you know how many days you’re going to make it to the gym, have you meal prepped? Have you scheduled and planned out your week for success?

Most people fall short of reaching their goals, not due to effort, drive, skill or capabilities. No. It’s because they didn’t map out their approach. In order to lose the weight you came here to lose, get stronger, faster or just get in shape for the summer, you NEED A PLAN! You will come close, as most do, but you will inevitably fall short without a plan of execution.

So whats your plan? What are you going to do this week to get you just 1% closer to your goals?


3 sets:

20 Shoulder taps

10 Dips (weighted if possible)

Banded walk


8 Minute AMRAP: in ascending order

1 Thruster (95/65)

1 Burpee over bar



and so on…

REST 5 minutes then,

For time: in descending order, highest round completed down to 1

Power snatch

Burpee over bar

*example: you finish your 11th round of thruster/ burpees. You rest 5 minutes and then complete for time 11,10,9,8 down to 1 of power snatch/ burpee

WOD FOR APRIL 29, 2019

Have you planned out your week? Do you know how many days you’re going to make it to the gym, have you meal prepped? Have you scheduled and planned out your week for success?

Most people fall short of reaching their goals, not due to effort, drive, skill or capabilities. No. It’s because they didn’t map out their approach. In order to lose the weight you came here to lose, get stronger, faster or just get in shape for the summer, you NEED A PLAN! You will come close, as most do, but you will inevitably fall short without a plan of execution.

So whats your plan? What are you going to do this week to get you just 1% closer to your goals?


3 Sets for max reps:

7 Minute AMRAP: (3 minute recovery btw sets)

800m run

20 TTB

In the remaining time complete as many calories on rower as possible.

*Score is total number of calories for each separate round.

*Today is a base day, which means keep every rounds as close to the same about of calories each round.


WOD FOR APRIL 26, 2019

Time management is something, as coaches, that is always on our minds. We also want to value your time as much as possible. Making sure you arrive early enough to not only move your body around a bit before hand, but, also being present at the top of the hour allows class to start promptly on time.

If it doesn’t help thinking about the value it brings you by showing up early, please consider the value you are taking from the others in class by not doing so.

Thank you so much, now lets get to the goods…


Squat snatch: Barbell cycling

set 1) 3 reps

set 2) 4 reps

set 3) 5 reps

set 4) 6 reps

*This is about developing the skill of moving a barbell, not about maxing out.

*Increase weight as the reps go up


For time: (10 minute cap)

100 Burpees

*at the top of every minute STOP and complete 4 toes to bar

REST 2 minutes then,

For time: (10 minute cap)

100/70 cal assault bike

*at the top of every minute STOP and complete 10/8 push ups

WOD FOR APRIL 25, 2019

Time management is something, as coaches, that is always on our minds. We also want to value your time as much as possible. Making sure you arrive early enough to not only move your body around a bit before hand, but, also being present at the top of the hour allows class to start promptly on time.

If it doesn’t help thinking about the value it brings you by showing up early, please consider the value you are taking from the others in class by not doing so.

Thank you so much, now lets get to the goods…


2 sets:

10-20 sec handstand hold

20 GHD sit ups

Banded walk


4 Rounds for max reps:

1 Minute max chin ups

1 Minute max sumo deadlift high pulls (115/75)

1 Minute max double unders

1 Minute rest

*Today is actually a base day even though the duration of work is short.

What this means is do not go at a pace you can not maintain. Do your best to move at a pace that allows realistic rest during the working minute to ensure you get the same number of reps in each movement for each round.

Getting the same number each round might take more and more effort each round…that is ok.

“When tired, TRY HARDER.” - Coach Jimmy

WOD FOR APRIL 24, 2019

Time management is something, as coaches, that is always on our minds. We also want to value your time as much as possible. Making sure you arrive early enough to not only move your body around a bit before hand, but, also being present at the top of the hour allows class to start promptly on time.

If it doesn’t help thinking about the value it brings you by showing up early, please consider the value you are taking from the others in class by not doing so.

Thank you so much, now lets get to the goods…


In 3 sets build to a max weight 25ft front rack walking lunge.


4 Rounds for times: rest 2 minutes btw rounds

10 Overhead squats (95/65)

Run to the speed bump and back

10 Hang squat snatches (95/65)

*Today is a “hard day.” This means the goal is to move as quickly as possible every round (without thinking of how it will impact your subsequent rounds).

*Slowing down is OK, but only if you have slowed down due to lack of physical ability…NOT mental capacity.

”When tired, apply fitness” - Coach Kyle

WOD FOR APRIL 23, 2019

Do your best to get to the gym 10 minutes before class to heat yourself up.


3 Rounds (not for time)

3 Wall walks

30 second hanging L sit

Banded walk


6 Minute AMRAP:

6 S2OH (135/95) *1 sec pause at the top of each rep

6 Box jumps (24/20)

Rest 2 minutes then,

6 Minute AMRAP:

8 Toes to bar

8 Burpees

Rest 2 minutes then,

6 Minute AMRAP:

10 KB swings (55/35)

10 Pull ups

WOD FOR APRIL 22, 2019


3 rounds for max reps:

7 Minute AMRAP: (3 minute recovery btw rounds)

1000/750m row *goal is to keep your 2k pace

35 Wall balls (20/14) *goal is unbroken

In the remaining time complete as many DB snatches as possible.

*Today is a “Base day” which means the goal is to keep each round as close to the same reps every time. Do not go out too hot and burn out. Keep a consistent pace throughout the entire round…then hold that pace for the next 2 rounds.

Base days are NOT easy…they are arguably harder than “hard days” due to challenge of consistency. See you soon!!

WOD FOR APRIL 20, 2019

Olympic lifting:


5 sets: (2-3 minute recovery btw sets)

2 Front squats + 1 split jerk *2 sec pause in the catch position of the jerk


6 sets: (2-3 minute recovery btw sets)

Power clean 1.1.1 + squat clean and jerk


4 sets: (1-2 min recovery btw sets)

Snatch pull 1.1.1



40 minute AMRAP (with a Partner)

  • 50 Burpees

  • 400 meter Run

  • 50 Kettlebell Swings (24/16 kg)

  • 400 meter Run

  • 50 Pull-Ups

  • 400 meter Run

  • 50 Push-Ups

  • 400 meter Run

Split work between partners as needed. Run together.