CF516 fam, we have some exciting news for you!
We have recently acquired a local CrossFit gym. Starting June 1st we will be welcoming the members of CrossFit Total Empowerment into our home.
You will be seeing some new faces in classes, and I know you will all welcome them with open arms. We will also be taking on some of their coaching staff who, with a fresh set of eyes and new perspectives, will bring something to the table for all of you to benefit from!
We are also making some changes to the class schedule. We will be introducing a 5am class to our schedule! More classes may be added as well in the coming weeks as we navigate this process.
As this transition takes place we will have 2 coaches to a class for the more popular classes; the second coach will be one of our new staff members.
If you have been at 516 for any extended period of time than you are used to walking into the gym and seeing new layouts, new faces and new ideas being applied to our home. We always strive to provide the most value and have the best environment for our members. It’s constantly on our minds, in our conversations and part of our daily routine in the gym.
Lastly, I want to say thank you. This gym is only as successful as it is and has the reputation it does because of you.
I’ve never met such a loving, weird, and beautiful group of people than all of you!
I just want to remind everyone that this is a much bigger change for them than it is for us and I know we will make them feel as welcome and as safe as you all had when we welcomed you in. Please help them discover what makes what we have at CrossFit 516 so very special.
I honestly don’t think I’ve been this excited since we opened in 2010. Not just for all the positive changes coming to you guys like new coaches, friends, classes and much more but for an entire group of people to see what we have built here, together. They have no idea what they just got themselves into!!
If you have any questions, feel free to stop me and I will answer any questions you have.
Circuit training!!
This week we are beta-testing a NEW CLASS. As of now, it is only available to those who are signed up for the 6 week challenge.
We will be introducing and adding a circuit training style program in the coming weeks, which we would like our 6 week challengers to preview. So if you are available this week - Tuesday at 7pm and/or Saturday at 7am - we would like to invite you to experience this form of training that will enhance your results in the challenge.
Once again: Tuesday 7pm and Saturday 7am (please sign up for these classes on the app as soon as you can so we can have an accurate headcount of who will be attending).
**Disclaimer: These will not necessarily be the times of this class once introduced into the weekly schedule.
A) **Vest optional
10 Minute AMRAP:
10 Pull ups
10 Wall balls
-Rest 3 minutes-
10 Minute AMRAP:
10 Push ups
10 KB swings
-Rest 3 minutes-
For time:
1000m run
Team Tuesday!
In teams of 2:
Complete as a team, in order
60 Clean and jerks (135/95)
60 Burpees over bar
80 Box jump overs
30 Minute EMOM:
1) 15/11 Calories
2) 1 Snatch
3) 10 Toes to bar
For time:
150 Wall balls
*each time you stop or drop the WB, run 400m
3 Rounds for times: (rest 2 minutes btw)
300m/250 row
15 Burpee box jumps
Establish a 1RM weighted chin up