Monday, June 3, 2019

Here we go!


It’s official, our summer cycle starts tomorrow. This is a 12 week cycle broken up into three 4 week phases.

***Some things you’ll notice:

Squats are back!

We will be building your shoulder strength.

The warm ups are a big piece of this cycle.

The intervals will be a bit shorter than the previous cycle.

You will notice Metcon Monday’s...start your week with a bang!

Oh, and 5k Friday’s...?🤷🏼‍♂️😬

So many people overestimate what can be done in a day but underestimate what can happen in months.

You have 12 weeks- 3 months to get the most you can out of this cycle.

What kind of effort are you going to put into the gym AND into your eating habits?

So I challenge you...take a picture!

Take a picture of yourself tonight and see what changes you can make over this cycle

Love you all and let’s make this summer a great one.


2 Sets:

15 upright rows

12 Alt step ups

*Slow & Controlled*

B) Back squat: (2-3 min btw)


*Pick one weight for all 4 sets



For time: (15 minute CAP)

1 Mile run

40 Pull ups

20 Power cleans (165/110)

Friday, MAY 31, 2019


For time:

5k run

*For anyone not able to run due to physical limitations, no problem, your modifications will be up and ready for you when you come in.

*This workout is tricky. In the past we would just write a different workout and when everyone came in for class it would be a surprise 5k. We did this because of the amount of people who would see a 5k and just not come in because of it.

But we would like you all to know, yes, tomorrow is a 3.1 mile run. So if your goal is to actually become fit and challenge yourself, see you tomorrow.

Wednesday, MAY 29, 2019

Summer is right around the corner!
We are excited to announce that we will be offering a series of 2 week Training Camps starting on July 1, 2019.
The Camp is open to everyone from Elementary, Middle School and High School.

Our Youth Strength & Conditioning Camp is designed to increase your child's overall strength, build their aerobic ability, agility, speed and power, while minimizing risk of injury.
Keeping your kids active throughout the summer will keep them motivated, as well as give them a head start on their Fall sports.

The details are as follows:
4 days per week:
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday, 10:30 AM-12:00 PM

Session 1: July 1 to July 11

Session 2: July 15 to July 25

Session 3: July 29 to August 8

Cost per 2 week session: $250 ($200 each for siblings)
To enroll, please email us at:
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions

Now for todays workout:


3 sets: (90 sec rest btw)

10 In place back rack reverse lunges (right)

10 In place back rack reverse lunges (left)

*Take bar from floor

*Complete 10 TTB during your 90 second rest period


5 Rounds for time:

20 Wall balls (20/14)

10 Dead lifts (225/155)

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Thank you all so much for taking time out of your Memorial Day to spend honoring the Men and Women who gave their lives for us to live in this amazing country. The energy was outstanding and it was because of each and every one of you.

Now all these means it we will have to some how find a way to top that for next year!

Quick announcement:

Next Monday is the start of our Summer Cycle. Which means that last week and this week have been transitional weeks to deload and make sure everyone is ready to start next Monday off strong.

The Summer Cycle is going to be 12 weeks long. Knowing this should help you in setting goals for anyone with any specific goals in mind. The timeline is set. All you need now is a plan of action!

Who do you want to be 12 weeks from now?

Now for todays workout:


2 sets:

30 Second Handstand hold

30 Sec L sit

30 Sec wall sit

30 Sec max backwards single unders


20 Minute AMRAP:

20 Box jumps (24/20)

20 Step ups (hands on head)

40 Sit ups

40 Med ball twist (20/14)

MURPH 2019

Today is Memorial Day. This means there is only one workout to do…MURPH!!

The Doors open at 8am and the workout starts at 9am. We will be starting the warm up at 8:40am so make sure you’re on time. Tim Gritzman and his company Natural Body are supplying pre workout and post workout recovery drinks for everyone! So take advantage of those supplements to optimize the day. (Thank you Tim!!)

The BBQ will be fired up by 9:30am so your food and drinks will be ready once your’e done.

ICE BATHS will also be ready once you are done…and if you are willing! So make sure you bring a towel if you want to hop in.

Also, friends and family are MORE THAN WELCOME to come and take part. We have an entire workout designed for first timers. We cant wait to meet your “other friends and family” :)

Side note:

Hydration doesn’t happen during the workout. It takes place way before hand. So make sure your are drinking a good amount of water once you see this email if at night (add some salt to it) so you are as optimized as possible for Monday! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

Fun facts:

1) 511 Tactical will be coming for anyone to try out some gear and support the cause.

2) Natural body inc will be there to supply all of us with pre and post workout recovery supplements.

3) Chris Mare will also be joining us to capture as many amazing moments as possible...SO LOOK PRETTY 🥰

4) Erica Scalavino is supplying ALLLL the ice for the ICE BATHS!…as well as bringing an awesome surprise!

WOD FOR MAY 24, 2019

MURPH reminder.

Next Monday (Memorial Day) is Murph. Every CrossFit on the planet is doing Murph that day and we would love for everyone to join us on our 9th annual Memorial Day Murph workout and BBQ.

The doors will open at 8am and we will be starting the workout at 9am. If you have any friends that workout and want to join us, or if you CrossFit and get this email, you are MORE THAN WELCOME! It is always a great time and we cant wait to take this workout on together. So make sure you hydrate the night before and come ready to give 100%.

Now for today’s workout.


3 sets: *build as heavy as possible

8 hang power snatch


For time: (25 min time cap)

100/80 cal bike

50 burpee over bar

25 hang squat snatch (135/95)

100/80 cal row



Dips: (exactly 90 seconds rest btw sets, no more than 90 seconds)



For time:

200 Double unders

50 KB swings (55/35)

35 Thrusters (95/65)


WOD FOR MAY 21, 2019

MURPH reminder.

Next Monday (Memorial Day) is Murph. Every CrossFit on the planet is doing Murph that day and we would love for everyone to join us on our 9th annual Memorial Day Murph workout and BBQ.

The doors will open at 8am and we will be starting the workout at 9am. If you have any friends that workout and want to join us, or if you CrossFit and get this email, you are MORE THAN WELCOME! It is always a great time and we cant wait to take this workout on together. So make sure you hydrate the night before and come ready to give 100%.

Now for today’s workout.


For time: (10 minute CAP)

400m run (with med ball)

20 Dead lifts (135/95)

30 Pull ups

40 Med ball cleans (20/14)

100 Double unders

Rest 2 minutes then,

For time: (10 minute CAP)

100 Double unders

40 Med ball cleans (20/14)

30 Pull ups

20 Dead lifts (135/95)

400m run (with med ball)



DB Floor press: (exactly 90 seconds rest btw sets, no more than 90 seconds)



7 sets: (3 minutes btw)

150ft Prowler push (heavy as possible)

WOD FOR MAY 20, 2019

MURPH reminder.

Next Monday (Memorial Day) is Murph. Every CrossFit on the planet is doing Murph that day and we would love for everyone to join us on our 9th annual Memorial Day Murph workout and BBQ.

The doors will open at 8am and we will be starting the workout at 9am. If you have any friends that workout and want to join us, or if you CrossFit and get this email, you are MORE THAN WELCOME! It is always a great time and we cant wait to take this workout on together. So make sure you hydrate the night before and come ready to give 100%.

Now for today’s workout.


With a running clock:

In 5 Minutes complete:

40 Wall balls (20/14)

30 Power cleans (115/75)

In the remaining time, complete as many pull ups as possible

rest 2 minutes then,

In 5 Minutes complete:

50/35 Cal assault bike

In the remaining time, complete as many push ups as possible

*Every 10 push ups STOP and complete 3 box jumps

rest 2 minutes and repeat from the top



Strict press: (exactly 90 seconds rest btw sets, no more than 90 seconds)



3 Rounds for times: (3 minute rest btw)

20 Cal row

7 Hang squat cleans (155/105)

7 Burpees over bar

WOD FOR MAY 15, 2019


Build to a 5RM back squat (15 minutes)


2 Minutes on 2 minutes off until you have completed the following:


Dead lift


right into,



Sumo deadlift high pull


For time:

100 Wall balls (30/20)

*Each time you break STOP and rest 1 minute

rest 5 minutes then,

10 Minute AMRAP:

5 Overhead squats (135/95)

10/7 Cal row

WOD FOR MAY 13, 2019


For time:

3000m row

60/45 Cal assault bike

60 Burpee box jumps (24/20)

*Today you will be flipping a coin. Heads- you will start with the row and work your way down. Tails- you will start burpee box jump and working your way up.


For time:


Clean and jerk (135/95)


Toes to bar

Rest 3 minutes then,

For time:

21 Cal ski erg

15 Bar muscle ups

9 Hang squat cleans (155/105)

WOD FOR MAY 10, 2019


6 Minute EMOM

3 Hang squat snatches


7 Minute AMRAP:

12 hang squat snatches (115/75)

4 burpees

1 Muscle up OR C2B pull up

4 burpees

2 MU

4 burpees 

3 mu


Rest 4 mins

7 Minute AMRAP:

12 hang squat snatches (115/75)

100m run

2 Handstand push ups

100m run





3 Sets:


10 Cal bike

3 Dead lift (315/225)

WOD FOR MAY 9, 2019


Todays workout will take a team, as well as courage.

In teams of 2 complete 14 rounds of the following: (7 rounds each)

3 Minutes max calorie row

*While your partner is working you are fully resting

*its always a sad day watching someone with less talent beat someone more capable, just because the other lacks heart…don’t let your partner down. Work hard each time you’re on the rower.

*You will be going off of the gym clock but do not touch the monitor for the entire workout.

*Score is total calories


30 Minutes of mobility

WOD FOR MAY 8, 2019


Every 5 minutes for 30 minutes (6 sets)

20 Wall balls (20/14)

Run to the speed bump and back (200m)

5 TNG squat cleans (Pick a weight you can go unbroken with)

*if you break up or stop moving during the wall balls, STOP and complete 3 burpees

*if you do not complete the 5 TNG squat cleans in one set you must do all 5 TNG again. This can not be broken up.


4 Rounds for total time: (rest 1 minute btw each round)

20/15 Cal bike

20/15 Cal row

15 Power snatches (95/65)

WOD FOR MAY 7, 2019


2 sets:

25ft HS walk or 3 Wall walks

30 Sec L sit

Banded walk


9 Rounds for time:

6 S2OH (135/95)

6 Box jumps (24/20)

2 minute rest then,

8 Rounds for time:

8 Toes to bar

8 Burpees

2 minute rest then,

7 Rounds for time:

10 KB swings (55/35)

10 Pull ups


5 Rounds for time:

8 Front squats (185/125)

4 Burpee muscle ups

WOD FOR MAY 3, 2019

Have you planned out your week? Do you know how many days you’re going to make it to the gym, have you meal prepped? Have you scheduled and planned out your week for success?

Most people fall short of reaching their goals, not due to effort, drive, skill or capabilities. No. It’s because they didn’t map out their approach. In order to lose the weight you came here to lose, get stronger, faster or just get in shape for the summer, you NEED A PLAN! You will come close, as most do, but you will inevitably fall short without a plan of execution.

So whats your plan? What are you going to do this week to get you just 1% closer to your goals?


Squat clean: Barbell cycling

set 1) 3 reps

set 2) 4 reps

set 3) 5 reps

set 4) 6 reps

*This is about developing the skill of moving a barbell, not about maxing out.

*Increase weight as the reps go up


20 Minute AMRAP:

1 Mile run

then, in the remaining time complete:


6 Burpee pull ups

9 Clean and jerks (115/75)

12 Wall balls (20/14)